Friday Night Racing for monohulls – 2024

SaraBay Racing  > cc Bill Johnsen, Friday Night Racers >  Friday Night Racing for monohulls – 2024

The first race of the Friday Night Series for Monohulls is on Friday 24th May, 2024.

All races will be Pursuit Start at 6:15pm, usually at marker ‘L’. See Notice of Series.

Working navigation lights are required (see inexpensive alternative here).

You can expect an email invitation to register a few days prior to each race. Click the button inside the email invitation to register for that particular race. You must register for each race in order to receive Course and Start Times.

Note that multihulls may be racing on Fridays, starting at marker ‘L’, at 6:30pm.

Future race dates will be set depending on turnout on May 24th.

Mike Halliday <>